Number: 21

Date: 24/07/2017


Regulation for International Health Tourism and Wellbeing of the Tourist published.

The Regulation for International Health Tourism and Wellbeing of the Tourist (Regulation) has been enacted following the publication in the Official Gazette dated 13.07.2017.

The new terms of the Regulation will be executed by the Ministry of Health (Ministry) and significant amendments introduced by that concerning the implementation are provided below:

Scope of the Regulation

The scope of the Regulation contains (i) foreigners visiting our country to receive health services, (ii) foreign visitors that are in need of health service during their presence in our country as a tourist and (iii) public, academic and private health institutions and mediating companies supplying health services which do not exist within the context of Social Security and General Health Insurance Law no.5510 and international mutuality contracts.

International health tourism is defined as “All sorts of health services and related support services received by real persons visiting our country temporarily for health reasons who are not Turkish nationals or Turkish citizens resident abroad“ within the Article 4 of the Regulation, titled as Definitions.

Facilities for international health tourism and amounts to be covered by mediators

Pursuant to the Article 5 of the Regulation, for the health facility’s and mediators’ dealing with activities of international health tourism, they are required to get a certificate of authorization. Health facilities should be meeting the criteria indicated in the Attachment 1 of the Regulation while the mediators should meet the criteria of the Attachment 2. The Ministry terminates the international health tourism activities of the service supplier lacking a certificate of authorization. Health facilities and mediators which were already existing prior to the date that the Regulation was enacted are required to obtain the certificate of authorization from the Ministry within one year by meeting the criteria within this Regulation. The activities of them within the scope of this Regulation are terminated if they were not able to qualify for the certificate of authorization.

The international health tourism facility will be able to accept the direct application of the international health tourist. In the circumstance that any need for mediator activity occurs, a protocol with the international health tourism mediating company authorized by the Ministry should be signed. A copy of that protocol should be sent to the General Directorate of Health Services through the provincial/district Health Administration.

Individuals receiving health services from the international health tourism facility within the scope of this Regulation should be registered to the web based system created by the Ministry. Private health information registered by the international health tourism facility should be processed in accordance with the Privacy Act no.6698 and transferred to the central health data system in line with the procedure and principles identified by the Ministry.

Notification, promotion, training and supervision

Health facilities and meditating companies that are not authorized within the context of the Regulation cannot deal with activities of notification and promotion concerning international health tourism.

Certification and occupational training to be handled concerning the international health tourism are carried out under the cooperation of the Ministry and the Council of Higher Education.

International health tourism facilities and the mediator companies should be supervised at least once a year by the Directorate in terms of their compliance to this Regulation. Other than this overall supervision, for the assessment on controversies and complaints that may arise about the international health tourism and health practices for tourists, a registry and notification system established by the Ministry is available Foreigners are informed by the international health tourism facility about the complaint procedure before the service is supplied.


Our explanations provided above include general information on the issue. No responsibility can be claimed against EY and/or Kuzey YMM ve Bağımsız Denetim A.Ş. due to the implications arising from the context of this document or emerging with respect to its context.

Best Regards,
Kuzey YMM ve Bağımsız Denetim  A.Ş.



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