Page 25 - VGNisan_2018
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Practical Information                                                                   April 2018
          Income Tax
                       Income tax tariffs- 2018 (Salaries)                       Depreciation limit
          Income bracket                             Tax rate  Year                                  Amount (TRL)
          Up to TRL 14.800                             15 %    2016                                         900
          For TRL 34.000; for the first TRL 14.800, TRL 2.220, for above  20 %  2017                        900
          For TRL 120.000; for the first TRL 34.000, TRL 6.060, for above  27 %  2018                      1.000
          For more than TRL 120.000, for TRL 120.000, TRL 29.280, for above  35 %  Discount and interest rates to be applied in rediscount and advance transactions
                      Income tax tariffs- 2018 (Other income)  In rediscount transactions                  8,75 %
          Income bracket                             Tax rate  In advance transactions                     9,75 %
          Up to TRL 14.800                              15 %   In rediscount transactions under TPL        9,75 %
          For TRL 34.000; for the first TRL 14.800, TRL 2.220, for above  20 %  Note: These rates are applicable to the transactions conducted as of 31.12.2016.
          For TRL 80.000; for the first TRL 34.000, TRL 6.060, for above  27 %
          For more than TRL 80.000, for TRL 80.000, TRL 18.480, for above  35 %  Stamp Duty
               Daily meal allowance exempt from income tax (VAT excluded)  Maximum stamp duty (For each paper)
          Year                                   Amount (TRL)  Year                                  Amount (TRL)
          2016                                         13,70   2016                                     1.797.117,30
          2017                                         14,00   2017                                   1.865.946,80
          2018                                         16,00   2018                                    2.135.949,30
                          Disability allowance (2018)                      Stamp duty rates and amounts (2018)
          Degree of disablement                  Amount (TRL)  Papers subject to stamp duty           Rate/Amount
          For 1  degree disabled                       1.000   Contracts                           9,48 per thousand
          For 2 nd  degree disabled                     530    Wages (Including advances)           7,59 per thousand
          For 3  degree disabled                        240    Rental contracts                     1,89 per thousand
                                                               Balance sheet                            TRL 45,40
                      Minimum living allowance-TRL (2018)
                                                               Income statement                          TRL 21,80
          Status of              Number of children            Annual income tax return                 TRL 58,80
          spouse     No     1      2     3      4   5 or more  Corporate tax return                     TRL 78,50
                                                               Value added tax and withholding tax returns  TRL 38,80
          Employed  152,21  175,04  197,88  228,32  243,54  258,76  Social Security Institution insurance premium declarations  TRL 28,90
          Unemployed  182,66  205,49  228,32  258,76  258,76  258,76
                                                              Inheritance and Transfer Tax
                       Exemption for house rental income                         Exemptions (2018)
          Year when the income is derived        Amount (TRL)  For shares of inheritance corresponding to each descendant
          2016                                         3.800   including adopted children and the spouse  TRL 202.154
          2017                                         3.900   For share of inheritance corresponding to the spouse if
          2018                                        4.400
                                                               there is no descendant                 TRL 404.556
                    Exemption in capital gains (Except securities)  For transfers conducted without any consideration  TRL 4.656
          Year when the gain is derived          Amount (TRL)  For prizes won in competitions and lotteries held for money and property  TRL 4.656
          2016                                        11.000                     Tax tariff (2018)
          2017                                        11.000                                    Tax rate
          2018                                        12.000   Tax base bracket amounts  Transfer through   Transfer without
                        Exemption in incidental income                                inheritance  any consideration
          Year when the income is derived        Amount (TRL)  For the first TRL 240.000   1 %           10 %
          2016                                        24.000   For the next TRL 570.000    3 %           15 %
          2017                                        24.000   For the next TRL 1.270.000  5 %           20 %
          2018                                        27.000   For the next TRL 2.200.000   7 %          25 %
                The upper limit of severance pay exempt from income tax  For the tax base portion exceeding
                                                               TRL 4.280.000              10 %           30 %
          Period                                 Amount (TRL)
          01.07.2017 - 31.12.2017                    4.732,48  Minimum Wage and Social Security
          01.01.2018 - 30.06.2018                    5.001,76               Minimum wage and withholdings
          Tax Procedures Law (TPL) and Law No. 6183
                                                               Payments / withholdings   01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 (TRL)
                   Delay charge and delay interest rates (Monthly)  Gross minimum wage                 2.029,50
          Period                                    Rate (%)   Social security premium employee’s
          21.04.2006 - 18.11.2009                      2,50    contribution (14 %)                      284,13
          19.11.2009 - 18.10.2010                       1,95   Unemployment insurance premium
          Since 19.10.2010                              1,40   employee’s contribution (1 %)             20,30
                                                               Income tax base                         1.725,07
                        Deferral interest rates (Annual)       Income tax calculated (15 %)             258,76
          Period                                    Rate (%)   Minimum living allowance (Single) (-)     152,21
          28.04.2006 - 20.11.2009                        24    Income tax to be withheld                106,55
          21.11.2009 - 20.10.2010                        19    Stamp duty (7,59 per thousand)            15,40
          Since 21.10.2010                               12    Total withholdings                       426,38
                                                               Net minimum wage                        1.603,12
                             Revaluation rates
                                                                              Annual gross minimum wage
          Year                                      Rate (%)   Year                                  Amount (TRL)
          2015                                         5,58
          2016                                         3,83    2016                                        19.764
          2017                                         14,47   2017                                        21.330
                                                               2018                                       24.354
                           Limit for issuing invoice            The lower and upper limits of monthly earnings that will be the basis for
          Year                                   Amount (TRL)                  social security premium
          2016                                          900    Period              Lower limit (TRL)  Upper limit (TRL)
          2017                                          900    01.01.2018-31.12.2018  2.029,50           15.221,40
          2018                                         1.000
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