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Toplam 27 sirküler bulundu.

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No Tarih Konu
27 06/12/2018 Electronic Notification Regulation
26 01/11/2018 Personal Data Protection Board’s principle decision dated 16/10/2018 no.2018/119 concerning the prevention of advertorial notifications/calls to the e-mail addresses or SMS or calls to mobile phones of related people by the data controllers and data processors.
25 01/10/2018 On the activation of Data Controller Registry Information System (VERBIS or Registry) as of 1 October 2018
24 20/09/2018 About the regulation requiring amendments to the Regulation for Implementation of Turkish Citizenship Law (Decision no.106)
23 20/09/2018 Regarding the principles and procedures on monitoring of the transactions with impacts over foreign exchange position by the Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT).
22 20/09/2018 Board decision from the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority on implementation scope of Turkish Accounting Standards (TMS).
21 19/09/2018 As per the amendment to the Decision no.32, on redefining the payment obligations in contracts concluded among persons resident in Turkey in Turkish Liras.
20 17/09/2018 Communique on the procedure and principles for the implementation of Article 376 within the Turkish Code of Commerce no.6102.
19 10/09/2018 Communique Requiring Amendments to the Communique on Dividend Advance Distribution.
18 27/06/2018 The Regulation Requiring Amendments to the Regulation on SMEs’ definitions, qualifications and classification.