No: 18

Tarih: 08/06/2017


Communique for Confidence Mark in Electronic Trade published.

The Communique arranging the standards for safety and service quality required for the suppliers intermediating or dealing with activities through own electronical trade environment within the scope of the Legislation for Service Suppliers in Electronic Trade and Mediator Service Suppliers and intending to obtain a confidence mark, activities and liabilities of confidence mark provider; procedure and principles arranging the entitlement, suspension and cancellation of confidence mark has been published in the Official Gazette dated 06.06.2017.

The entitlement, suspension and cancellation of confidence mark has been dealt within Section ll of the Communique.

Terms for obtaining confidence mark:

Minimum standards required for service suppliers and mediating service suppliers intending to obtain confidence mark are provided below:

. Performing the every sort of transactions containing personal data and payment information on the web site and mobile site through EV SSL and through SSL on the application.

. Taking the required measures by having a penetration test maximum three months before applying for a confidence mark and at least once in every calendar year through an A or B class test company with authentication from the Institute of Turkish Standards and it should follow a verification test indicating that the measures had been taken. 

. Appropriate processes concerning the relevant laws (dated 23.2.2006 no.5464, dated 4.5.2007 no.5651, dated 20.6.2013 no.6493, dated 7.11.2013 no.6502, dated 23.10.2014 no. 6563, dated 24.3.2016 no.6698) and secondary legislation regarding those laws, regulation and administrative rulings on products with prohibited or conditional sale on electronic platforms should be designed.

. The required measures concerning the content on electronic trade platform with potential negative impact on children’s physical, mental, moral, psychological and social development should be taken.

. Provides or enables providing the required information on the product to be sold via electronic trade related to that product’s inventory status, content, material, dimensions, usage and guarantee, technical support and details on the parties to provide that support, images enabling the perception of the actual dimensions, matters on supply, cargo and delivery periods, status of the order until it is delivered to the buyer and presents the opportunity for cargo monitoring or mediates for that.

. Provides or enables providing information on the service to be supplied via electronic trade concerning the supplier, scope and period.

. Provides the opportunity of communicating with customer relations, enabling the buyer to receive information on the order, deliver demands and complaints through minimum one web based communication method and phone call. Ensures the efficient management, finalization of demands and complaints and acknowledgement of the buyer on the matter.

Application and entitlement     

The application for a confidence mark should be made by the service supplier and mediating service supplier to the Confidence Mark Provider (GDS). In the circumstance that the service supplier or mediating service supplier operates more than one electronic trade platform, separate applications are required for each of those platforms. Documents disclosing applicant’s appropriateness to the conditions, written statement indicating that the required conditions are met and the receipt given in return for the application payment should be submitted to GDS during the application.

A report containing the findings about controls will be prepared within 30 days as of the application date. Then the confidence mark is entitled to the applicants seen compatible with the required conditions following the controls. A period of 30 days will be granted to the applicants unable to be seen compatible and this period may be extended by 15 days only once. Applicants proving out to be compatible with the requirements will be entitled to receive the confidence mark at the end of this period. Otherwise the application will be rejected. 

Suspension and cancellation

In the circumstance that the service provider and mediating service provider are identified as non-conforming and if it is possible to remove that situation by granting extra time, confidence mark holder will be granted a 15 day period. Confidence mark of those unable to meet the requirements at the end of that period will be suspended. The confidence mark’s suspension ends provided that the requirements are met within 30 days as of the date that it was suspended.

The causes that require cancellation of the confidence mark are; on the demand of service supplier and mediating service supplier, in case the electronic trade or mediating activities are terminated, if they are identified as non-compliant to the concerning conditions within 30 days following the suspension of confidence mark, violation of one of the conditions required for obtaining confidence mark, if that violation could not be removed by granting extra period, repeating the same violation despite being warned twice by the GDS through a written notice, if a violation resulting with suspension three times in a single calendar year is detected, if a missing information or a misleading document’s submission is identified and in case the service supplier/mediating supplier goes bankrupt.

The auditing authority, duties and liabilities of GDS are examined within the 3rd part of the Communique. As an institution authorized by the Customs and Trade Ministry; supervising the e-trade web-sites, establishing an on-line complaints platform to resolve the controversial matters between individuals and companies and searching for efficient solutions within that platform may be summed up as the GDS’s main areas of activity. 

The Communique has been enacted as of 06.06.2017 that is also the publication date of it in the Official Gazette.


Our explanations provided above include general information on the issue. No responsibility can be claimed against EY and/or Kuzey YMM ve Bağımsız Denetim A.Ş. due to the implications arising from the context of this document or emerging with respect to its context.

Best Regards,
Kuzey YMM ve Bağımsız Denetim  A.Ş.


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