Comparison of the practices on Authorized Economic Operator between Türkiye and the EU in terms of application criteria and benefits provided

Aret Kutlu

The SAFE Framework (the SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade) adopted by the World Customs Organization in 2005 and the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator - AEO) practice introduced in 2007, came into effect in Turkey with inclusion of AEO concept in Customs Law in 2009 and promulgation of the relevant Regulation. Although a similar application is in the European Union under the name of AEO, there are differences between the application conditions and the benefits provided. The most prominent issue in terms of application conditions is that ISO certificate is not required in the application process for YYS certificate in the EU, and when the benefits provided are examined, it is seen that centralized clearance and the declaration practices via entry in the declarant’s records in the EU are in operation. In this article, the differences in both the application and the facilities provided will be detailed.



Explanations in this article reflect the writer's personal view on the matter. EY and/or Kuzey YMM ve Bağımsız Denetim A.Ş. disclaim any responsibility in respect of the information and explanations in the article. Please be advised to first receive professional assistance from the related experts before initiating an application regarding a specific matter, since the legislation is changed frequently and is open to different interpretations.