The impact of digitalization on the model of doing business in foreign trade

Aret Kutlu

Throughout history, technology has shaped international trade. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a catalytic effect in terms of digital transformation in both countries and companies. In the last decade, international trade has moved in a more protectionist line within the scope of developments such as the trade wars between the USA and China, and Brexit, where this protectionism trend has become more widespread especially in the measures taken within the framework of the fight against the pandemic. In this period, the volume of international trade is increasing incrementally, and supply chains continue to transform, therefore, it is clear that the effective management of foreign trade operations will continue to gain importance in the same way. An effective operations management requires the adoption of digital technologies available. In this article, it will be discussed what kind of applications exist within the framework of digital applications in customs and foreign trade operations and what benefits they provide to companies.



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