Page 7 - EY-VG_Ekim_2020_v5
P. 7

Vergide Gündem
            English Translation

                                             The cumulative base burden both on the
                                             employee and employer!

                                             At the end of 2019, while new taxes such as "digital services tax" were added to
                                             the in fiscal legislation in Turkey, the amendments in the Income Tax Law have been
                                             introduced in order to increase the number of "taxpayers”. Therefore, annual tax
                                             declaration will be mandatory for those who submit their annual tax returns" for
                                             the income owners of both self-employed whose income being exempt from income
                                             taxes and workers whose wage earnings exceeding a threshold in a calendar year.
                                             Explanations regarding the implementation of the amendments were disclosed
                                             through the Income Tax General Communique numbered 311.

                                             The withholding (“WHT”) liability of an employer

                                             Since the wages are subject to a taxation at source (WHT tax), employers are liable
                                             for deducting and paying income tax from the wages of their employees as “tax
                                             responsible”. Due to this responsibility, employers are the respondents of the tax
                                             office in terms of the payment of the tax withheld at source and hence they are
                                             responsible for these taxes' payment and overdue.

                                             Cumulative tax base

                                             Until the publication of the Communique numbered 311 on the implementation
                                             of the amendments brought by the Law, other than their own wage payments
                                             in a calendar year as tax responsible, employers were not required to follow the
                                             "cumulative income tax base" that includes the wage payments of their employees
                                             from other employers or the wages of the employees who started working during
                                             the year at the previous employer in any circumstance. Each employer applied
                                             WHT to the wages paid without making a connection with the wage paid by other
                                             employer or employers (called “cumulative tax base”).

                                             However, new explanations were made with the headline "the situation of those
                                             working with more than one employer in private sector workplaces" through
                                             Article 21 of the Communique numbered 311. With the announcement of the
                                             Communique, the taxation of the wages deemed to be obtained from a single
                                             employer in the same calendar year predicated upon "cumulative tax base" was
                                             taken as basis. However, in addition to this, a statement was also made with regard
                                             to the employees changing their jobs within the same calendar year, indicating that
                                             the new employer ought to withhold the taxes by taking into the cumulative base of
                                             an employee in case of an employee requests to do so. However, carrying forward
                                             the cumulative base from previous employer to the current one does not eliminate
                                             the employee's duty to submit an annual income tax return.

                                             Who benefits from carry forward of “cumulative tax base”?

                                             Let’s look at who will be benefitting from carrying forward the base? Firstly, number
                                             one beneficiary will be the Ministry of Treasury and second one is going to be
                                             the employee requesting from the employer. Because of this application, the tax
                                             administration will collect more withholding taxes throughout the year, while the
                                             employees requested the practice will not pay additional income tax upon annual
                                             income tax submission since their wage income calculated and paid by the employer
                                             with the cumulative tax base practice.

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