Circular search:
In total 147 circulars found.

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Number Date Title
88 13/07/2017 Objection right for the decisions of Valuation Commission standing for the detection of estate tax figures.
87 13/07/2017 Deadlines for Common Reporting Standard (CRS) requiring automatic information sharing through financial accounts on tax matters clarified.
86 10/07/2017 Council of Ministers decides to approve the Mutual Agreement on Encouragement and Protection of Investments between Turkey and Pakistan.
85 06/07/2017 Regulation allowing the leverage procedures only through authorized institutions attached to the Decision no.32.
84 05/07/2017 Amendments made on the Law for Technological Development Regions through the Law no.7033.
83 05/07/2017 Motion for stay of execution over mobile phone tax label fee and assessment on the regulation arranged through the Law no.7033.
82 04/07/2017 Amendments on laws for stamp duty, fees and real estate tax made through the Law no.7033.
81 04/07/2017 Daily allowance amounts applicable abroad and domestically that are exempt from income tax (01.07.2017-31.12.2017).
80 04/07/2017 Ceiling for severance pay exempt from income tax and child benefit amounts (01.07.2017-31.12.2017).
79 03/07/2017 Fair values as of 30 June 2017 for bonds, bills and lease certificates traded on İstanbul Stock Exchange (BIST).