Page 14 - EY-VG_Temmuz_2020_v3
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to commence an investigation into contracts, concerted   Within the aforementioned amendment, the Board is allowed
          practices and decisions of association of undertakings which   to reopen an investigation in the following cases:
          are below the certain market share and turnover thresholds
          determined by Board. Hard-core restrictions such as territory   a) substantial change in any aspect of the basis of the
          or customer sharing, control of supply and price fixing will be   decision,
          exempted from this principle.                         b) the relevant undertakings' or association of
                                                                 undertakings’ non-compliance with the commitments,
          •  Collection of data during on-site investigation process
                                                                c) realization that the decision was made on deficient,
                                                                 incorrect or fallacious information provided by the
          The Law No.7246 also includes a provision that the authority   parties.
          is empowered to analyze and make copies of books, any
          data kept within physical and electronic environment and   There are two issues that may be taken into consideration in
          information systems during on-site inspections.
                                                              this amendment. Firstly, behavioural and structural remedies
                                                              are currently being applied to in practice for the merger &
          •  Structural and behavioural remedies for anti-    acquisition transactions even though the term “commitment”
           competitive conduct                                has already been included within the heading and the
                                                              content of the investigation provision of the Competition
          The Law No.7246 aims to entitle the Board to the power   Act and some amendments have been made accordingly. In
          to apply structural remedies for anti-competitive conduct   other words, it is understood that the term “commitment”
          infringing Articles 4, 6 and 7 of the Competition Act,   will have a broader application than the merger & acquisition
          provided that behavioural remedies are first applied and   transactions with this new amendment. Accordingly, it is
          failed. Accordingly, at least 6 months will be given to the   possible to state that there is a need for new regulations on
          related undertaking to comply with the structural remedies   how these commitments shall be applied to, otherwise the
          determined by the Board. It should be noted that, both   lack of such regulation may cause some indefinite and broad
          behavioural and structural remedies should be proportionate   implementations of this provision.
          to and necessary to end the infringement effectively.
                                                              The second issue is to determine the exact meaning of
          At this point, as expressly mentioned in the preamble of   the term of “settlement”. At this point, the Regulation on
          the The Law No. 7246, structural remedies come into the   the Active Cooperation for the Exposure of the Cartels
          view as an exceptional method and provides protection for   (“Regulation”) may be a guide in this regard. According to
          the undertakings against the precautions that may be taken   the Article 5 of the Regulation;
          by the Board since it is the condition that the behavioural
          remedies shall be initially applied to and such remedy shall   From the decision of the Board to conduct a preliminary
          remain inconclusive.
                                                                investigation until the notification of the investigation
                                                                report, the penalties to be given to undertakings that
          •  Settlement and commitment mechanism                provide the information and documents and fulfill the
                                                                conditions specified in the Article 6 of this Regulation
          According to the amendment that made within the scope of   separately from its competitors, but cannot benefit from
          Article 43, in the investigations initiated by the Competition   the regulation regarding the non-punishment provision
          Authority, settlement and commitment methods are      stated in the Article 4 will be reduced. In this case, the
          introduced and a time limit is set for entities to introduce   penalties to be imposed on the managers and employees of
          their settlement submissions, including explicit acceptance   the undertakings that accept the violation and cooperate
          of the violation. According to the Law No.7246, it is   actively will also be reduced. In this context; a) The penalty
          possible to settle with an undertaking or associations of   for the first undertaking is reduced between one third and
          undertakings which an investigation is initiated upon them   one half. In this case, the penalties to be given to managers
          and accepts the existence and scope of the violation until   and employees who accept violations of the undertaking
          the investigation report is served. Board is entitled to reduce   and actively cooperate may be reduced not less than one
          the administrative fine up to 25% for the violation, once the   third or may not be given. b) The penalty for the second
          settlement submission is filed.                       undertaking is reduced between one fourth and one third.
                                                                In this case, the penalties to be given to managers and
          Within Law No.7246, commitment procedure will allow the   employees who accept violations of the undertaking and
          undertakings or association of undertakings to voluntarily   actively cooperate may be reduced not less than a quarter
          offer commitments during a preliminary investigation or full-  or may not be given. c) Penalties for other undertakings
          fledged investigation to eliminate the Authority's competitive   are reduced between one sixth and one fourth. In this case,
          concerns regarding Articles 4 and 6 of the Competition Act.   the penalties to be given to the managers and employees
          If commitments will be deemed as sufficient to eliminate   who accept violations of the undertaking and actively
          competitive concerns, the Board can decide not to launch   cooperate may be reduced not less than one sixth or may
          a full-fledged investigation following the preliminary   not be given.
          investigation or to end an on-going investigation without
          completing the entire investigation procedure. However,   As a result of the evidence presented, if the penalty should
          commitments regarding explicit and gross violations such   be increased due to the prolonged duration of the violation
          as territory or customer sharing, control of supply and price   and similar reasons, undertaking that first submitted the
          fixing will not be accepted. The Board will provide the details   relevant evidence, and the managers and employees of
          of these new procedures by secondary legislation.     this undertaking who accepted the violation and actively
                                                                cooperated will not be affected by increase of penalties.

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